BCOA 01 Solved Assignment 2022 – 23
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1. Discuss the significance of written communication for any organization. What are its advantages and limitations? (20)
Ans: Written communication: Written communication means communication through words written. In written communication, both the parties to the process, i.e. sender and receiver, exchange their ideas through written words, graphs, diagrams, pictographs, etc. It transmits messages through letters, memos, notices, circular notes, manuals etc. While oral communication is spontaneous and natural, written communication requires conscious efforts. Written communication depends on language as a means up of sentences into clauses and of matter into paragraph etc. is very important.
Characteristics of Written communication
1. Written communication is a one cycle even because it does not get immediate response from the receiver.
2. Written communication is specific when it is meant for specific persons. It can also be general when it is meant for public at large.
3. Written communication is a creative activity. It requires a lot of imagination and continuous efforts.
4. Written communication is however not spontaneous. It requires a meticulous planning on the part of the writer.
5. Written communication is time taking. The message has to be planned, drafted and finally encoded (written) before sending.
Importance of Written Communication
1. Written communication is indispensable to an organization. Just as it is impossible to think of social life without oral communication, it is impossible to think of business or an organization without written communication. It is the backbone of the business communication.
2. Written communication is used more in an organization because face to face communication is not always possible, due to employees being spread over widely located geographical distance.
3. Written communication assigns responsibility. In an organization employees have to function within defined limits of authority and responsibility. In the absence of written communication, it is not easy to determine responsibility.
4. Written communication, through its media of letters and menus to its creditors, shareholders can boost up the image of the organization.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Written Communication
1. Permanent Record: Written communication provides a permanent record for future reference and serves as a good guide for decision making and planning in future.
2. Precise and Accurate: The writer tries to organize his ideas logically before penning them down. As a result, written communication tends to be more accurate, precise and reliable.
3. Legal evidence: Written messages provide a permanent record and as such are used as legal evidence in a court of law. Written records are more reliable and acceptance as documentary proof.
4. Wide coverage: Written communication has the widest possible coverage. It is perhaps the only means of communication when the sender and the receiver are separated by long distance.
5. Easy to understand: Written messages can be read and re-read again and again. Thus it is likely to be understood better.
6. Suitable for lengthy message: Lengthy messages lose their authenticity in oral communication. Written communication is thus very suitable for transmitting lengthy messages.
7. Aids control: Written communication encourages deliberation, permits editing and review, helps to prevent distortion and consequent misunderstandings.
1. Time consuming: Written communication is not suitable when the message is to be sent immediately. It is time consuming event which requires time in not only sending it but also in putting the message in writing.
2. Rigid: Written communication is rigid and lacks flexibility. The doubts and queries cannot be clarified immediately.
3. Costly: Written communication is a bit more expensive than oral communication. It costs a lot in terms of stationary, postage and typing costs.
4. Lack of secrecy: It is difficult to maintain secrecy in written communication.
5. Delayed feedback: Written communication is mostly handicapped by its inability to get immediate feedback. The sender of the message is not able to judge the response of the receiver from his facial expression.
6. Increase the workload: Written communication creates mountains of paper cluttered around the premises of the organization. The staff has a tough time in managing it very often valuable papers are lost. Therefore, staff/managers have to be extra careful about the papers.
2. “The best way of identifying the business choice is to go for a SWOT analysis”. Explain this statement and make SWOT analysis of any business plan you propose to work upon. (20)
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3. (a) List out the steps required in setting up a small enterprise. 10
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(b) “Entrepreneurs are dreamers as well as risk bearers”. Comment. 10
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4. (a) What is partnership? State its merits and demerits. 10
Ans: Partnership is an association of two or more persons who agreed to do business and share profits and losses arises from it in an agreed ratio. The partners act both as agents and principals of the firm.
In India, Partnership firm is governed by the Indian Partnership Act 1932. Section 4 of this act defines partnership as: “The relationship between persons, who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all.”
Partnership in this way is an agreement, between two or more persons to carry on legal business with profit motive, which is carried on by all or any one of them acting for all.
Merits of partnership:
1. Easy to form a partnership firm: Due to lack of legal formalities, it is very easy to form a partnership firm.
2. Facility of large financial resources: Maximum number of partners in a firm can be 100 as per the Companies Act, 2013. So, large financial resources can be collected which is not possible in case of sole trade business.
3. Better management of operations: The partners may be assigned duties according to their talent. Different functional departments may be managed and controlled by different partners.
4. Sound decisions: The partners meet frequently and they can take prompt and sound decision. The will not lose any business opportunities because of delay in taking a decision.
5. Sharing of risks: Risk of partnership business is shared by more than one partner. The burden of every partner will be much less as compared to sole trade business.
6. Flexibility in operations: There is no statutory obligations to seek approval from government before making major changes in the business set-up. There can be any change in managerial set up, capital and scale of operations.
Limitations of Partnership:
1. Less capital as compared to a company: Capital of partnership firms is limited upto the personal funds of the partners. Also, borrowing capacity of the partners is limited.
2. Unlimited liability: The liability of partners is unlimited. Private properties of partners can also be taken for business liabilities.
3. Conflict between partners: In partnership business, there is always chances of dispute between or amongst the partners.
4. Slow decision making: All the decisions are taken by the consent of partners so decision-making process becomes time consuming.
5. Non- public confidence: Accounts of partnership firms are not published. So public is unaware of the exact position of the business.
6. Uncertain life of the firm: The partnership firms suffer from the uncertainty of duration because it can be dissolved at the time of death, lunacy or insolvency of a partner. The lack of trust among the partners can also lead to dissolution.
(b) What factors would you consider before you start Editing and Proofreading? 10
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5. Write short notes on the following: (5×2)
(a) Source of finance.
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(b) Business opportunity.
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6. Differentiate between the following: (5×2)
(a) Financial appraisal and Marketing appraisal.
Ans: Full Answer will be available in our mobile application
(b) Writing about facts and writing about opinions.
Ans: Full Answer will be available in our mobile application
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