BCOC 133 Business Laws is an important subject of IGNOU BCOMG 2nd Semester curriculum, designed to provide students with a solid understanding of the various India Laws. This course covers essential topics like Indian Contract Act, Indian Partnership Act, Sale of Goods Act and Negotiable Instruments Act, which are crucial for anyone looking to excel in the business world.
In this Post, we will provide BCOC 133 Business Law Question Paper. By coverting all past exam question papers of BCOC 133 Business Law, You can easily secrue good marks.
BCOC 133 Business Law Question Paper Pattern: This Paper Consist of Total 10 Questions out of which you have to attempt only 5 Questions carrying 20 Marks each.
Table of Contents
BCOC 133 Business Law Question Paper Dec’ 2023
Term-End Examination
December, 2023
Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) “Law of contract is not the whole law of agreements nor it is the whole law of obligations.” Comment. 10
(b) Distinguish between the following: 10
(i) Void agreement and voidable contract
(ii) Void agreement and illegal agreement
2. Define the term „offer‟. Discuss the legal rules for a valid offer. 20
3. Define consideration under Indian Contract Act with suitable example. What are the essential features (legal rules) for valid consideration? Explain in detail. 5, 15
4. Explain the right of surety against (a) Principal debtor (b) Creditor and (c) Co-sureties. 10+10
5. (a) Define partnership and describe the essential characteristics of partnership. 10
(b) Explain the rights and liabilities of partners on dissolution of partnership firm. 10
6. Define „condition‟ and „warranty‟ in Sale of Goods Act. Explain implied conditions as to the title (ownership) and sale by description in detail. 8, 12
7. (a) Distinguish between „lien‟ and „stoppage in transit‟. 8
(b) Who is finder of goods? What are his rights and duties? 12
8. What is a Promissory Note? Describe its essential characteristics. Differentiate between Promissory Note and Bill of Exchange. 4, 8, 8
9. Discuss the rights and duties of an agent. 20
10. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: 10+10
(a) Doctrine of supervening impossibility.
(b) Pledge by non-owners.
(c) Fraud.
(d) Limited liability partnership.
BCOC 133 Business Law Question Paper June’ 2023
Term-End Examination
June, 2023
Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) “The law of contract is not the whole law of agreements nor it is the whole law of obligations.” Discuss. 8
(b) Explain „cross offer‟, „standing offer‟ and „general offer‟ with example. 12
2. (a) Distinguish between the following: 10
(i) Coercion and Undue influence
(ii) Fraud and Misrepresentation
(b) List the agreements which are opposed to public policy with examples. 10
3. Discuss the remedies available to the aggrieved party for the breach of contract. 20
4. (a) What is continuing guarantee? Explain the various ways by which a continuing guarantee may be revoked. 2, 8
(b) Distinguish between contract of guarantee and contract of indemnity. 10
5. (a) What do you understand by lien? Describe particular lien and general lien of a bailee. 2, 8
(b) Explain the circumstances when a person other than the owner can make a valid pledge. 10
6. (a) What is agency by ratification? Discuss the conditions for a valid ratification. 12
(b) What are the various types of partners in a partnership firm? 8
7. (a) What is doctrine of „Caveat Emptor‟? What are the exceptions to this doctrine? 10
(b) Explain the rules relating to the delivery of goods in sales contract. 10
8. (a) What is a promissory note? Explain the essential characteristics of a valid promissory note. 10
(b) Differentiate between a bill of exchange and a cheque. 10
9. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: 10, 10
(a) Presentation for payment.
(b) Transfer of ownership in sale of goods.
(c) Classification of agents.
(d) Lapse of an offer.
BCOC 133 Business Law Question Paper Dec’ 2022
Term-End Examination
December, 2022
Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is an offer? How is it made? Discuss the legal rules for a valid offer. 4+4+12
2. (a) Define consent. When is consent said to be free? 4+4
(b) What is fraud? Discuss the elements which must be present in the act to constitute fraud, with suitable examples. 4+8
3. (a) Explain the legal rules for a valid consideration with examples. 12
(b) ‘‘A stranger to a contract cannot sue.’’ Discuss. 8
4. (a) When is the contract discharged by mutual agreement and operation of law? Explain. 10
(b) ‘‘An agreement in restraint of trade is void.’’ Examine this statement and explain exceptions to it, if any. 10
5. (a) What are those situations when a non-owner of goods can make a valid pledge? 10
(b) Explain rights and duties of finder of goods. 10
6. (a) Define an ‘Agent’ and ‘Principal’. Can a minor be an agent? Discuss. 4+6
(b) What is an irrevocable agency? Explain the conditions when an agency becomes irrevocable. 2+8
7. (a) What is Limited Liability Partnership? What are its characteristics? 2+10
(b) Differentiate between Limited Liability Partnership and Partnership. 8
8. Explain in detail with suitable examples the implied conditions in a contract of sale of goods. 20
9. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: 2×10=20
(a) Presentment for Acceptance.
(b) Sale by Non-owners.
(c) Modes of Dissolution of Partnership Firm.
(d) Quasi Contracts.
BCOC 133 Business Law Question Paper June’ 2022
Term-End Examination
June, 2022
Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is a contract? Explain the essential elements of a valid contract giving suitable examples. 4, 16
2. (a) What is an acceptance? How can an offer be accepted? Who can accept an offer? 4, 4, 4
(b) “An invitation to offer is not an offer.” Comment. 8
3. (a) Who is competent to contract? State the position of contracts with minor. 4, 8
(b) Distinguish between coercion and undue influence. 8
4. Define a contract of guarantee. State the rights of surety against (i) principal debtor, (ii) the creditor and (iii) co-sureties. 5, 15
5. Discuss the essentials of a contract of bailment and state the rights and duties of a bailee. 8, 6, 6
6. (a) How will you determine whether a group of persons is a partnership or not? Explain. 8
(b) What are the effects of non-registration of partnership firm? What are the exceptions of non-registration? 6, 6
7. (a) What is meant by goods in a contract of sale? Explain the various types of goods. 6, 8
(b) Distinguish between „condition‟ and „warranty‟. 6
8. (a) Discuss the different types of endorsements. 12
(b) What are the various types of bills? Explain. 8
9. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: 10, 10
(i) Consideration.
(ii) Quantum Meruit.
(iii) Irrevocable agency.
(iv) Unpaid seller.
BCOC 133 Business Law Question Paper Dec’ 2021
Term-End Examination
December, 2021
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss the essential elements of a valid contract with examples. 20
2. Explain the term ‘consideration’ and discuss the exceptions to the rule “No Consideration no Contract”. 5 + 15
3. Who is a ‘minor’? Discuss the provisions of law relating to minor’s agreements, with examples. 5 + 15
4. Define bailment and describe its features. Explain various kinds of bailment. 10 + 10
5. (a) Define partnership. “Although sharing of profit is an essential element of a partnership, it is not a conclusive test.” Comment. 4 + 6
(b) Distinguish between dissolution of partnership and dissolution of firm. 10
6. Define a contract of guarantee. Explain the circumstances when a surety is discharged from this liability. 4 + 16
7. (a) Define the term ‘goods’ in a contract of sale of goods. What are different types of goods? 10
(b) Distinguish between ‘sale’ and ‘agreement to sell’. 10
8. (a) Discuss the rules regarding ‘presentment for acceptance’ of a negotiable instrument. 10
(b) What is bill of exchange? Discuss its essential elements. 2 + 8
9. Discuss in detail the doctrine of ‘supervening impossibility’ with exceptions. 20
10. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: 10 + 10
(i) Doctrine of Caveat emptor.
(ii) Coercion.
(iii) Holder in due course.
(iv) Irrevocable agency.
BCOC 133 Business Law Question Paper Feb’ 2021
Term-End Examination
February, 2021
Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
Note: Answer any five questions.
1. (a) ‘‘Law of Contract is not the whole law of agreements nor is it the whole law of obligations.’’ Comment.
(b) Distinguish between:
2. (i) Void and Illegal agreements.
(ii) Executed and Executory contracts. 10+10
3. (a) Discuss the circumstances under which an offer lapses.
(b) ‘‘Consideration need not be adequate, but it must have some value in the eyes of law.’’ Explain. 10+10
4. ‘‘An agreement in restraint of trade is void.’’ Discuss this statement giving exceptions to it, if any. 20
5. Discuss the various modes in which a contract may be discharged. 20
6. When can an aggrieved party file a suit for ‘specific performance’, an ‘injunction’ and ‘quantum meruit’. Explain and illustrate your answer. 20
7. (a) What is a Contract of Guarantee? Discuss its special features.
(b) Distinguish between a Contract of Guarantee and a Contract of Indemnity. 10+10
8. What are the rights and duties of a finder of lost goods? What is the nature of lien which the finder of lost goods has over the goods? Explain. 10+10
9. What is agency by ratification? What are the requisites of a valid ratification? 6+14
10. Define the term ‘delivery’ in case of Sale of Goods Act. Discuss the rights of a buyer in case of (i) short delivery, (ii) delivery in excess of contract quantity, and (iii) delivery of the contract goods mixed with other goods. 5+15
11. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: 2×10=20
(a) Registration of Partnership Firm.
(b) Condition and Warranty.
(c) Inchoate Instruments.
(d) Remedies for Breach of Contract.
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